We are a group of regular guys from the Taneytown area who have an interest in faith, personal growth and helping other guys. This is what gives our lives meaning.

faithWe want to help you develop a compelling vision for your life. It is vital to your success as a man and your overall happiness as a person. You must pursue and work towards a larger picture of who you are. This is internal, it is contemplative it is sometimes physical but it is always working toward a better version of YOU.

We do NOT affiliate with any particular church or religion. The ‘Faith” in our name is entirely based upon our trust in almost 4,000 years of Scripture – that the principles expressed in it have proven themselves time and time again. Like Jesus said “Wisdom is proven right by what results from it”.

We meet every other week to discuss books we are reading or to watch and discuss video series on spiritual topics of male interest. We actively serve in the community by providing Outdoor Family Movies at Taneytown Memorial Park.

Connect with Scott Marsh to find out more,




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Best time for online Men's Small Group (60 minutes)
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